
Reflections on Software Engineering: Challenges and Triumphs

05 May 2024

Introduction My experience in ICS 414 presented a transformative shift in my approach to software engineering. Unlike previous courses, this semester thrust me into an unstructured environment, demanding a high degree of self-reliance and adaptability. This journey was filled with...

Software Development Challenges Group Dynamics Technical Growth Project Management

Reflections on Software Engineering: A Journey of Learning and Growth

13 Dec 2023

Introduction As I stood at the threshold of this semester, there was an undeniable sense of nervous anticipation. Entering the software engineering class, my mind was a whirlwind of questions and uncertainties. My lack of skills and confidence in this...

Software Engineering Web Development Coding Standards Design Patterns

Exploring Design Patterns in a Meteor React Project

30 Nov 2023

Introduction to Design Patterns in a Meteor React Project Design patterns are fundamental techniques in software development, offering structured solutions to common coding challenges. They are essential for creating scalable, maintainable, and efficient applications. In this essay, we explore the...

Design Patterns Software Engineering React Meteor

Defending the Use of AI in ICS 314

20 Nov 2023

Reflecting On The Use of AI During My Journey In ICS 314 I. Introduction The Evolution and Impact of AI in Software Engineering Education The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has catalyzed a transformative shift in pedagogical methodologies and learning...

Reflection Software Engineering ChatGPT AI

A Discourse on UI Frameworks: Bootstrap 5 in Focus

04 Oct 2023

A Discourse on UI Frameworks: Bootstrap 5 in Focus Introduction In modern web development, User Interface (UI) frameworks are invaluable assets that significantly expedite the development process while ensuring a standardized output. Among these frameworks, Bootstrap 5 is widely recognized,...

Web Development UI Frameworks Bootstrap 5 Semantic UI

In Defense of Coding Standards Beyond Aesthetics and into Understanding

17 Sep 2023

Introduction In a world rife with digital information, coding has rapidly transformed from an obscure hobby to a mainstream professional skill. Yet, as more people dip their toes into the vast ocean of programming, the importance of establishing consistency has...

Coding Standards Software Engineering ESLint IntelliJ

The Importance of Asking Smart Questions: A Deep Dive into StackOverflow

07 Sep 2023

The Importance of Asking Smart Questions: A Deep Dive into StackOverflow In the digital era, where collaborative platforms like StackOverflow provide professionals a space to seek solutions, the way questions are framed can greatly influence the outcome. Eric Steven Raymond’s...

Communication StackOverflow Community Engagement Software Engineering Best Practices